Tuesday 20 November 2012

LAPD Precision Punch | MEN'S HEALTH


Don?t just pummel the bag. ?A great boxer has to have focus, coordination, power, speed, and endurance,? says Michael Olajide Jr., a former championship middleweight boxer. To help you hone your skills, we?ve tapped the country?s top fighters to act as your cornermen. Hit these moves to improve your staying power.


LAPD Precision Punch

Your coach: Tim Collins, trainer, Los Angeles Police?Dept.?Arrest and Control

The perfect pop is built on posture and bone alignment, not fist strength. Use this routine to refine your form.


1. Set the stance
Leading with?your?non-dominant?leg, position your feet shoulder-width apart, with the toe of your dominant foot in line with the heel of your?non-dominant?foot. Your head extends over your shoulders, and your shoulders over your hips. Your knees are slightly bent.

2. Throw the blow
Step forward with your lead foot and extend your?non-dominant?arm so that your shoulder, elbow, wrist, and front two knuckles are in alignment. Your punch and your foot should land at the same time. Follow up with a cross, regaining with your rear foot the distance you took in your first step. Then come back to your original stance.

3. Connect the punches
Repeat the sequence,?shadow-boxing?for 3 minutes. Then do another 3-minute round of the same sequence, this time on a heavy bag. That?s 1 set. Complete 3 sets, building speed each time. ?When you master the strike, it should feel like you?re snapping your target with a wet towel,? says Collins. Rest 1 minute between each exercise.



Image from Stockxchange


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Source: http://www.mens-health.com.my/2012/11/19/lapd-precision-punch/

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