Monday 5 November 2012

Artistic Animal Sculptures by Sayaka Ganz


A new ideas in creating an artistic animal sculptures has been introduced by Sayaka Ganz, She has introduce the world with his new inspiring artworks that was made out of used and discarded plastic waste materials and reclaimed household objects as a medium for her animal forms sculptures.. Artist Sayaka Ganz was born in Yokohama, Japan and grew up living in Japan, Hong Kong and Brazil, and now lives and works in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She was raised under the Japanese philosophy of Shinto where all objects and organisms are believed to have a spirit and a soul.

Ganz?s say :
I only select objects that have been used and discarded. My goal is for each object to transcend its origin by being integrated into an animal/ organic forms that are alive and in motion. This process of reclamation and regeneration is liberating to me as an artist.

Building these sculptures helps me understand the situations that surround me. It reminds me that even if there is a conflict right now, there is also a solution in which all the pieces can coexist peacefully. Though there are wide gaps in some areas and small holes in others, when seen from the distance there is great beauty and harmony in our community. Through my sculptures I transmit a message of hope.

sayaka ganz sayaka ganz animal sculptures plastic sayaka ganz dog sculptures plastic sayaka ganz bird sculptures plastic sayaka ganz plastic horse sculptures

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