Sunday 11 November 2012

kurt_blaine: Unbroken - Chapter 26

Here's the next chapter of Unbroken. I seem to be getting back on track, hopefully will gradually get faster with the updates. Thanks so much for being patient with me, and feel free to let me know if there's any mistakes you notice :P Hope you enjoy the chapter :)


All previous chapters here. :)

Title: Unbroken
minor Kurt/Blaine, Burt/Carole, Finn/Rachel; pairings not the
focus of the story, at all -- entire cast, friendship!fic
Rating: R to NC-17 in parts
Spoilers: through "Special Education"
Warnings: graphic, brutal violence and non-con
Burt and Kurt are victims of a violent home invasion that leaves them
both devastated and struggling to recover, physically and emotionally,
from the trauma of the attack. They'll need the support of their family
and friends to get through this, and try to find something resembling
normal life again -- to try to find a way to become unbroken.

?Could you ground me?? Kurt?s smile was falsely bright. ?Please? Maybe for a week or two? I don?t think I should be allowed to leave my room for a while.?


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