Wednesday 15 February 2012

Santorum to 'plant flag' in Romney's native state (AP)

BOISE, Idaho ? Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum isn't predicting victory, but he says he's going to plant a flag in the state where Mitt Romney was born.

Santorum, the former Pennsylvania senator, began running television ads in Michigan this week. He'll campaign there on Thursday.

Romney grew up in Michigan and his father was governor there. The state holds a presidential primary on Feb. 28.

Asked about his expectations for Michigan after a campaign stop Tuesday night, Santorum said Michigan was a lot like Pennsylvania, where he's had political success.

Santorum said he will "hopefully finish a good strong second" to Romney. "We think we can plant our flag there and do well," he said.

After winning three contests last week, Santorum is running even with Romney in national polls.


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