Monday 20 February 2012

Recipe: Blueberry & Lime Chia Fresca - Health Food Lover

Chia (Salvia hispanica) is a?seed rich in the vegetable pre-formed form of essential fatty acids (EFA) but you need enough of certain nutrients to convert it?(fish is a source of the formed animal EFA). It is also a source of soluble fibre and the seed becomes mucilaginous when it contact with water. Many websites make elaborate claims for Chia, however many of these claims are not supported by the scientific literature so?unless something is backed up by good research, be careful what?you read?(1).

Due to Chia?s mucilaginous properties, in cooking and creating recipes Chia can be quite useful. It can aid as an egg replacer (though it won?t have the same nutritional properties as eggs), it can be made into a gel, it can thicken ice creams, puddings and smoothies.

The chia recipe I?m sharing with you today is Chai Fresca. It?is a?refreshing citrusy drink made with chia. In my version of Chia Fresca i?ve used lime and also added blueberries.


Recipe: Blueberry & Lime Chia Fresca

Alleregen info/recipe info: Chia is gluten-free and?dairy-free. This recipe is vegan/vegetarian/paleo friendly.


  • 1 cup (or more) of water
  • 1/4 lime, juiced
  • a few blueberries
  • 1/2- 1 Tbps. chia

How to:

Pour the water in a glass and stir in the lime juice. Add the blueberries and chia seeds. And stir the Chia seeds for a few minutes so they do not become lumpy. Enjoy!

Note: The longer the chia sits the thicker the drink will become.


1 ?


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