Monday 13 February 2012

Developing a Marketing Strategy for your book proposal | Swenson ...

??????????? This is one of the most important sections of a formal book proposal you will need to provide a potential publisher. In this economy, it is critical. Publishers look to the author to convince them?the title would sell and that it fits into their catalogue of offerings. The more thorough your research, the more sophisticated your strategy, and the more evidence you provide there is profit to be made, then the more likely your proposal will undergo serious consideration by a publisher.

??????????? What follows is an outline of what will be needed in your marketing strategy report.

  1. Identify your reading audience. This must be as specific as possible. ?General audience? is not specific. Find a variety of niche markets who will be interested in your title. You need to be very precise in your description of who will buy your book.
  2. Audience demographics (and psychographics).?Who do?you think your readers are, what else do they read, what do they buy, where do they live, etc. Again, you want to draw a bull?s eye target for the publisher. You identify the inner circle and the audiences which appear in each outer ring of the dartboard. But you want to show the publisher you know how to hit the target.
  3. Describe how to target your reading audience/target markets. What are their sources for information, consumer preferences, associations and organizational affiliations? Where would you sell excerpts, expect your book to be reviewed, or see an advertisement for your forthcoming title?
  4. Promotion and publicity opportunities. Describe how your book will find its way into the marketplace of ideas. News releases? Conferences? Special events? Speaking engagements? Special exhibitions? Book signing tour?
  5. What will the author contribute to the marketing and sales of the book? Describe the role you?will play in promoting your book; selling excerpts to consumer magazines which give you a byline that plugs the book? Writing news articles or editorials about news events that plug your book? Sharing your email/mailing list of potential customers?
  6. Who do imagine endorsing your book? Who would you like to review it?
  7. What opportunities for cross-promotion, synergy, new social media technology promotions do you envision? Are there products or services related to your subject who would support and endorse this project with funding?

Preparing a winning book proposal depends largely on convincing the publisher you have a business plan.

Tags: agents, marketing strategy, non-fiction book proposal, Publishers


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