Tuesday 20 September 2011

Q&A: Can the U.S put a freeze on ALL immigration legal and illegal ...

Question by nightowl1517: Can the U.S put a freeze on ALL immigration legal and illegal until economic situation improves?
Companies put a hiring freeze in tough economic times, why not put an immigration freeze both legal and illegal. Lets take care of the people who are in the country already. I say close all the borders U.S is not taking anymore new comers.

Best answer:

Answer by Donna
You do realize doing things like this have a rebound effect?

The UK has already taken steps to limit the number of non EU work visa?s they issue. However, any country who would deny spouses the right to apply to bring their foreign spouse in, would get a VERY bad rap.

Yeah yeah?I know. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks about us. I do for one.


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Source: http://udd.cc/?p=2949

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