Saturday 3 September 2011

Protect Your Virtual Business From a Real Breach in Security ...

For most businesses, telecommuting is no longer a trend, but a way of life. With the advancement of virtual offices and video conferencing, it is easy to see that technology is good for business. Technological development allows for businesses to grow faster, smarter and further. There are no physical boundaries with web based businesses.

With companies shifting so many operations to the virtual space, web security is a key factor. As Enterprise Mobile Today reports, Web 2.0 applications are great for businesses seeking richer internet experiences, but can cause security nightmares because each application carries its own set of vulnerabilities. With more employees demanding remote access to business applications and services, there is greater exposure to sensitive data; multiplying security risk.

Enterprise Mobile Today also notes that suspect web pages are not the only place where hackers can cause?havoc:

?Embedded videos and links in social networking pages are becoming popular spots for hackers to embed malware. The more employees use rich media and Web 2.0 applications in the enterprise, the greater the chance of unknowingly exposing the enterprise to an attack without the right protections in?place.?

There applicable soultions to these problems, however.?Cisco informs that with proper network security in place, your company can experience the many benefits of virtual services with greater ease of mind. Simple measures, once implemented, can protect the company against business disruption and aid employee productivity both local and remote. Also, because network security helps protect customers? data, it reduces the risk of legal action or a public relations crisis stemming from the theft of sensitive data.

The practice of running a business is nothing like it used to be. With more and more companies moving towards web based operations, virtual safety is vital to your success. Solutions exist, but a commitment to their implementation is necessary. What is your business doing to ensure that it?s virtually protected?


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