Thursday 24 January 2013

NBP006 ? How to Create an Epic Online Business Empire, with ...

ryan lee

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The world of online business is a tricky one. It?s filled with those that what to genuinely add value, like yours-truly (if I must say so, myself!) and those that ? let?s be honest ? are just out for a quick buck!

My guest in today?s episode of the New Business Podcast is one of those people that simply?oozes value ? all out, hard core value.

Whether you?re a wannabe internet entrepreneur, or a more established brick ?n mortar business owner that it wanting to become more active online, Ryan Lee?s story is as inspiring as it is encouraging and today he?s laying down the stepping stones you need to be taking to craft your own success in the online business world.

In This Episode

  • How Ryan got started building business online ? whilst still working full-time!
  • Why producing ?out of the park? content is what really matters.
  • How the ?lifestyle? keeps Ryan super-motivated and what it means to his family.
  • A complete outline of the typical ?Ryan Lee Day?.
  • How transparency has been the cornerstone to Ryan?s success.
  • Ryan inviting me to speak, live, at his next Dot Com Xpo event later this year!
  • Ryan?s #1 tip to doing business in the new economy.
  • Much more!

Important Mentions

As you?ll see, there was a lot of stuff we didn?t cover in this chat (don?t worry, we?ll have Ryan back again in the future!), but there was also a plethora of?experience?to pull on here. I mean, even the most seasoned entrepreneur can take something away from this ? one of the most energetic?conversations?we?ve had so far on the podcast!

For me, the biggest takeaway here was Ryan?s focus on the ?lifestyle? side of his business ? or, more importantly the focus he puts on being able to continue to crush it with his business, but still spend plenty of time with his family. As a family man, myself, you?ve gotta love that!

Free Transcript Download

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Ryan brings a massive amount of experience to the table ? when we have him back, what would you like to hear him discuss in more detail??! Suggestions below, please!


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