Tuesday 8 January 2013

Job Seeker Spotlight: Mary Grace White, nursing and health care ...

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9 January 2013 No Comment


People are so much more than the skills or work history listed on their r?sum?s. With Job Seeker Spotlight, we give individuals the opportunity to highlight their creativity, personality and passion?for employers who are looking to hire today.

Today?s featured job seeker is Mary Grace White?from Nashville, Tenn.

Continue reading for more about White:

  • What is your desired position/title??Registered Nurse
  • What industry are you looking for work in? Health care
  • What makes you a unique and better candidate against others who may have similar skills??I have more than 20 years experience at the bedside of medical and surgical patients as well as having spent six of those years at the chairside of the chronic end-stage renal patients receiving dialysis.
  • How do you demonstrate passion for your work or your profession??My biggest pet peeve in our health care system is the lack of preventive care. We have a crisis management system at best. Education is my real forte. I love working with patients who want to understand their illness and how they can make their lives better. I also enjoy the patients who don?t understand and don?t particularly want to, but if I can get their attention by helping them to understand that the choices they?re making are bad for them, then they begin to see that maybe they should try another way.
  • How do you stay informed about changes or advances in your chosen profession/industry??I stay informed by reading articles from reliable sources and talking with peers. Most of the changes however are about technology, which is always changing and evolving. Surgical techniques are always changing, monitoring is always evolving, but the one thing that hasn?t changed and shouldn?t is the use of the five senses that most of us are born with.
  • What?s the best piece of career advice you?ve ever received??Never do something for one patient that you can?t reasonably do for another.

Apply to be featured in the Job Seeker Spotlight! All job seekers get one-on-one job-search help with?a career strategist to assist in improving their job hunt.

(Are you an employer and want to contact Mary Grace? You can find her today in CareerBuilder?s Resume Database.)

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Source: http://www.onlydelhijobs.com/archives/1921

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