Sunday 6 January 2013

Minh and Julie Ho ? Talk Fusion Top Earner Interview

Minh and Julie Ho Talk Fusion Interview


Minh and Julie Ho are Royal Blue Diamonds in Talk Fusion, and the Nr. 1 Top Earners. They reside in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Their team has hundreds of thousands of people in 143 countries and their estimated earnings are topping $4 million in Talk Fusion career earnings.

Minh and Julie have a story to share:? "From Dead Broke to Multiple 7 Figure- Lifestyle in less than 2 years with a family of 7 kids and 4 grandkids?

Minh and Julie stated:

Looking back over the past 2 years, we had only 2 pennies left in our pocket and a sheriff at our door.? Due to the recession we lost everything?.our mortgage business, a 5 figure monthly income, financial security, ability to pay our bills, and even our cars.

Network marketing was a miracle for us because we were able to pay outstanding past due bills and put money into savings and retirement accounts, which we haven?t had in 10 years.

Ted Nuyten has the honor to interview Minh and Julie Ho.

Minh and Julie, how did you got involved into the Network Marketing, who invite you?

We have been involved in the Direct Selling, Relationship Marketing, and Network Marketing business for over 20 years off and on.? Once we saw the power of leveraging our time and effort by using this business model, we fell in love with the model

How did you learn about Talk Fusion, who sponsored you?

We were in the mortgage business and a friend shared with us these amazing video email products.? We knew this would be great marketing tools to stay in touch with clients and build a relationship with potential clients.? Julie and I used the video email products to keep in touch with our clients and send them personal messages. We built a personal connection with them because they could hear and see us in a video email.

During the holidays, we always sent everyone a special message thanking them for their business and asking them for repeat business.? This relationship building helped us gain their trust over our competition.? In the past, I would send out postcards with our family picture on it to connect with clients.? With the use of the Video Emails and Video Newsletters, we could speak directly to consumers and connect to their hearts.? I call it High Tech and High Touch.

Minh and Julie Ho - Talk Fusion Check


What attracted you in the business model, why did you decide to put your time and efforts in?

What attracted us to this business model was the T.E.A.M. concept (Together Everyone Accomplishes More) and Instant Pay.? So many people are hurting financially all over the World and with Instant Pay people can take care of problems immediately. Once a sale has been made you get paid Instantly (within 3 minutes).? I remember one day Julie was on her way to work on the freeway in rush hour traffic and she ran out of gas.? I got on the phone and made a sale.? I waited 3 minutes and got the notification of $25 being loaded onto my debit card.? I ran down to 7 Eleven to the ATM and got the cash.?

I immediately went to the gas station and got $10 worth of gas (it was $5 per gallon) and I used the other $15 to buy food for Julie and I.? No other Company pays Instantly and there are times when you just can?t wait for money.? The other attraction is the TEAM concept.? You are working with a TEAM and by working together, everyone makes money faster and more consistently.? We are like a huge family and we make sure we are always there to help each other out.? No one gets left behind.

You were broke when you started, was that your "burning desire"?

Yes. Julie and I were in the mortgage industry and when the recession and financial crisis hit, we lost everything, practically overnight.? Our income stopped and we had nowhere to go.? The sheriff came and put a 72 hour eviction notice on our door.? We had no choice but to get rid of all the distractions and get laser focused.

We invited people to our presentation and then followed up with a 3-way call.? Julie and I worked 18 hours a day, 7 days a week.? We listed all of our bills and started to knock them down 1 by 1.? Before we knew it, we were building our business in different countries and helping people all over the World.? Julie and I noticed that people in different countries were experiencing the same thing we experienced and when we showed them Talk Fusion, it gave them ?HOPE?.?

After talking to thousands of people from all over the World, the one thing people are truly searching for is HOPE.? With Talk Fusion, we give them more than ?hope?; we give them the chance to succeed!


How did you build such an impressive team, what is your "secret"?

Hard Work. There is no secret.? We treat Talk Fusion as any other business.? Julie and I get up every morning and work hard each and every day.? If you work part time, you will earn part time pay.?

The same is true if you work full time.? August 1, 2012 was our 2 year anniversary.? We are working just as hard today as we did the first day we started.? If we don?t work, our business doesn?t grow.? In fact, we are working harder now than when we first started because we are helping people in different countries all over the World.? While America is sleeping, we are helping our International team members.

What techniques have you found to be successful in recruiting others?

The biggest factor in successful recruiting is letting people know they won?t be left alone once they join.? People get excited about joining, but then they get scared because they feel they don?t have all of the answers.?

Our 4 Step System to Success eliminates these fears because we help new enrollees invite others to a professional presentation and we are there for follow up 3-way calls as their up-line to help them enroll and be part of the Team. In reality, new enrollees don?t have to present or sell. They simply invite.? We are here to help them every step of the way.


What is the size of your team and earnings, is your team in the USA only or in many countries?

In a little over two years, we have built an organization consisting of hundreds of thousands of people in 143 countries and growing.? We have team members in countries such as: Japan, Asia, Russia, Hungary, Poland, England, Canada, Latin America, Germany, Croatia, and many more.?

In less than two years, Julie and I have created a multiple 7- Figure Lifestyle.? We have helped several people in different countries create the same type of lifestyle! We?re helping associates reaching up to 300 Diamonds in our business and up to 100 individual qualified to drive a brand new Mercedes Benz from the company?imagine that!?

2013 & 2014 will have many thousands of Diamonds and many hundreds more qualified to drive a Mercedes paid by the company.


How do you overcome objections?

The biggest cause for objection is fear.? We demonstrate how powerful the products are for personal and business use and then show people how we work as a team.? This almost always eliminates any fears and objections.? Julie and I have been through a lot over the past several years and can relate to almost everyone?s personal situation.?

We simply share our story and show the results we have achieved over the past two years with Talk Fusion.? We aren?t asking anyone to do anything we wouldn?t do.? So partner with us!

What are your plans for the future?

Julie and I plan to spend the next few years traveling the World and helping as many people as possible build a successful Talk Fusion business and help them reach their Dreams and Goals.? We have only scratched the surface.? We want to help Bob Reina, CEO Talk Fusion create as many millionaires as possible over the next several years.


Do you have a few tips for a "Newbie" in MLM

Get laser focused, eliminate all excuses, distractions, limiting beliefs and treat the opportunity like a business.? If you want full-time pay, you have to work full-time hours.? With Talk Fusion, you will be working full-time with a T.E.A.M. which will help ensure success. ?

Some of Julie and my favorite quotes are:

  • ?If you don?t like where you?re heading?change it?- Bob Reina CEO Talk Fusion
  • ?Our most significant opportunities will be found in times of greatest difficulty.? ? Thomas S. Monson.
  • ?If you have to ask if you?ve done enough, you haven?t. Each day brings with it the opportunity to do more than you did yesterday.? Proverb
  • ?Strength doesn?t come from what you can do?it comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn?t? ? Anonymous

In closing we?d like to say: We want to Thank Bob Reina, Talk Fusion CEO for the Opportunity, his VISION and his AMAZING foresight.

Bob Reina has INSPIRED us to turn the IMPOSSIBLE into POSSIBLE!? Thank You Allison Roberts, VP of Training & Development and your Staff for the incredible support we receive each and every day. Julie and I feel we?ve made a difference in other people?s lives in 143 countries and growing by simply sharing the Talk Fusion Opportunity.?

It has given us the chance of a lifetime to be able to ?Pay It Forward?..smiley

Contact information Minh and Julie Ho


Skype:? GoBlueDiamond

Talk Fusion Income Disclaimer:

Any earnings portrayed in any Talk Fusion marketing materials are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Talk Fusion Associate can or will earn through his or her participation in the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan. All references to income, implied or stated, throughout the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan are for illustrative purposes only. These figures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profits. Talk Fusion does NOT guarantee any level of income or earnings to any Associate; any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading.

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