Monday 22 October 2012

Replacement of Decade Old Web Technologies by Open Source CMS

It is the era of open source content management systems. The rise of open source software is like a boon for all middle or small scale business organization, because of the advanced age of internet. In this age of internet, a website needs to be strong enough for gaining the optimum attention of widely spread online community.

In this way, you need to be much cautioned while choosing the most suitable open source content management system for your business website. Thus, if you like to install the most suitable CMS in your official website, you need to understand the specific competency of each freely available open source content management system.

At present, there are top four open source content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, and Magento. All these systems can be used to gain an edge in current phase of internet.

WordPress: WordPress is one of the most trusted open source CMS. It is providing free of cost Blog hosting services since its initial phase, which is a perfect means of individual publishing. Apart from Blog, it is also providing Content management System, which is known for search engine friendly architecture. Powered on PHP and Mysql, it has plugin architecture and template system. Due to its popularity, many website owners are converting their PSD to WordPress for a safe and reliable CMS.

Joomla: Widely known for using object oriented programming techniques, Joomla is a suitable open source content management system for making website like community sites, celebrity websites, forum websites, news websites, and international audience targeted websites. It has some specific features like flashing of news stripes, blogs, polls conduction, printable version of pages, and RSS feeds. All such features make it a best content management system for making all kinds of websites right from the simple personal branding websites to complex corporate websites of multinational companies. Owing to all such features, a Joomla CMS based website can sustain an engaging and highly interactive social media presence in probably all social media platforms.

Drupal: It is one of the most dependable open source content management systems, which is currently being used as the back-end system in approx 1.5 percent websites of this world. It is also known for having the feature of search engine friendly URL, that can be used as search engine optimization tool. Apart from SEF URL?s, it has the default arrangements for optimizing website contents. Thus, you don?t need to make extra efforts for bringing online users at your website expect sustaining an impactful presence of your website at social media fronts.

Magento: Currently acquired by Ebay, it will now be available under the X Commerce initiative of Ebay inc. X Commerce Initiative is a common initiative of Ebay and Paypal. During its open source age, it has gained several accolades such as ?Exciting Star 2009? for bringing innovation driven online shopping friendly content management system. It has been widely appreciated for its praiseworthy features like category wise product management, default integration of leading payment gateway option Paypal, Easy Shipping options, and auto administrative report generation feature. All such features made it the most favored online shopping friendly content management system among all the website owners.

Author: John Ashmit???? John Ashmit on Facebook John Ashmit on LinkedIn John Ashmit on Google Plus

John Ashmit is a self-employed author, blogger, Financial planner & illustrator. He Loves creativity and enjoys experimenting with various techniques in both print and web. Socially he is available @ Facebook ( and Twitter ( You can also check his writing on hubpages (, Squidoo ( etc?. View?full?profile


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