Tuesday 16 October 2012

Discussion on the Future of Rural Telecommunications | C-SPAN

The Hudson Institute and the Foundation for Rural Service hosted a panel discussion on the future of rural telecommunications services, which included the release of a report detailing the economic costs and benefits of providing service to rural areas.

Hanns Kuttner, a Hudson Institute Visiting Fellow, presented his paper Broadband for Rural America: Economic Impacts and Economic Opportunities, in which he details the effects of the disparity between urban and rural broadband service.

Following Hanns Kuttner's presentation, Harold Furchtgott-Roth, Hudson Institute Senior Fellow and Director of Hudson's Center for Economics of the Internet;? Greg Laudeman, Former Executive Director of the Tech Connect Initiative at the Georgia Tech Enterprise Innovation Institute; and Larry Thompson, CEO, Vantage Point Solutions, discussed the report's findings.

Source: http://www.c-span.org/Events/Discussion-on-the-Future-of-Rural-Telecommunications/10737434962/

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