Thursday 21 February 2013

How To Increase Your Network On Social Media


By: Michael Griffiths In order to build your social media network, you must learn to bridge your real life relationships into an online relationship. Needless to say, the first few who will probably be on your network are the people you have personally come in contact with.

But to attract people, and to make them want to be part of your network, you must be interesting, and relevant. You must give value to the people you communicate with. You must make your online persona worth following - without being fake. Remember, people see through a fake virtual personality. And once they get wind of your lies, they will quickly be gone from your friends list. The key is to be authentic without being too boring or uptight.

Below are some ways to increase your social media network of contacts.

You must be an active participant in the social media channels. This is tedious work, but if ever you want results, you must be determined. You must be online most of the time, responding to every comment in a witty way, giving advice (sometimes even if you were not asked), providing something interesting to say or impart in every issue. You must be on Facebook, Twitter, and all other popular social sites, and your comments must always be visible. You must click on "like" on relevant postings, and support the life events of your friends which they choose to relay online. In short - cover all your bases. When you do so, you become top of mind of other readers, you become "present" and "concerned" in their eyes - so much so that they are enticed to send you friend requests or follow you.

If they don't send you friend requests, then actively send out friend requests. Now there isn't anything wrong at all with this. In fact, when you get a friend request, or when your Twitter followers multiply tenfold by the second, it feels quite flattering. In short, you make the people you want to be friends with feel good - which in turn makes you look "better" in their eyes. Remember - when you don't try or even make the first move, you will never get anywhere. Try to research on related pages, or those which catch your fancy and actively seek their friendship.

Add your friends' friends. Or seek friend/fan recommendations from current contacts. Sneaky as it may sound, you can take a peek at your friends' contacts, review or assess if you can offer them value, and then send them a request. Chances are, your original friend won't mind, for as long as you don't send a request to their suppliers or contractors - that's underhanded and may be the start of a disagreement. If you are interested in a contractor on the list of your contact, maybe you can ask them if it's alright to befriend the party you seek. In return, offer to recommend one or a few of your friends to them - especially if you know that they may benefit from getting to know some of your own contacts. This is like paying it forward - tit for tat.

Try to position yourself as the authority on something relevant online. Try to be the go-to guy, the guru, the expert who will help people with some of their issues, their concerns. If you own a business, work on your expertise in the field you are in, and then position yourself as the best supplier. If you are a life coach offer advice without expecting anything in return. If you notice a friend needing comforting - especially if someone you know has lately been posting very fatalistic and negative shoutouts or tweets, then ask how you can help. Sometimes, all this person needs is comfort or a pat on the back. Whatever it is, make your online person appreciated by the people around you. Be a blessing to others.

Never fight with anyone online. No matter how big the issue, no matter how sensitive the attack is - never argue with anyone within the prying eyes of other people. Do this and your friends will drop you like a hot potato. If there are issues to resolve, send the person concerned a private message?but even when doing so, be careful. Things written on the internet can very easily be cut and pasted for all people to see. If you can be numb about the accusation or issue, then that's the best thing to do. However, human nature dictates that you protect your territory. When explaining, be as humble as you can be, and NEVER try to talk with anybody while you are angry. Bottom line is, try to be a s pleasant as possible on the social media platforms, because as easy as these platforms can make you popular, it is also as easy to lose all your credibility at an unbelievable rate online. This is the downside of these social networks - since you hide behind a computer monitor, your words may be misconstrued, you cannot fully defend yourself, plus contacts do not really clearly see the sincerity in your eyes and heart.


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