Sunday 2 October 2011

The Indie Fix: Depth : Videogame News & Reviews | Bits 'n' Bytes ...

Posted by Armand K. on Friday, September 30, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

Despite very few deaths by shark each year, the mas?sive preda?tors of the sea are still one of the most feared crea?tures out there. Thanks to movies like Jaws, the occa?sional sen?sa?tion?al?ist head?line in the papers, or of course, Shark Week on the Dis?cov?ery Chan?nel, peo?ple (mostly surfers) have an unwar?ranted pho?bia of sharks. The one area where sharks don?t strike any real fear is per?haps in video games, with most shark based games being any?where from silly fun to even sil?lier not-really-fun.

Dude! RUN! ?err,?SWIM!

That is until the devel?op?ment of Depth. While still not avail?able for play, Depth promises com?pet?i?tive mul?ti?player gam?ing between a team of divers and a shiver of sharks (seri?ously, that?s what a group of sharks is called). As the diver team (lead by a masochis?tic lunatic) you have the best tech?nol?ogy at your dis?posal, and must care?fully explore the depths of the ocean in search of sunken trea?sures for plun?der. As the shark team, you must care?fully explore the depth of the ocean in search of stu?pid divers to tear limb from?limb.

I don?t have much to go off of here, but from what I can tell from their trailer video, it looks like as a diver you can hide in the sea?weed, hop?ing the mas?sive killers don?t see you, shoot the sharks with tag?gers to help you and your team know where they may be lurk?ing, and make futile attempts at fend?ing them off as they tear into your soft, diver body. As the sharks? well, you ter?ror?ize the poor divers.The divers will need to move very care?fully as they have min?i?mal offen?sive capa?bil?i?ties: essen?tially a spear gun that only dis?ables a shark tem?porar?ily, takes a lot of time to reload, and lets every shark in the area know exactly where you?re hiding.

I don?t get it, why are peo?ple afraid of these things? oh.?That.

The team of devel?op?ers also boasts the addi?tion of Ron Presten?back, who has worked on some lit?tle, unknown games like the first two Gears of War and Unreal Tour?na?ment. Ron han?dled the shark attack cod?ing, which accord?ing to the web?site was ?one of the most tech?ni?cally chal?leng?ing and?com?plex sys?tems any of us have had the oppor?tu?nity of devel?op?ing in Unreal Engine.?

The game doesn?t appear to have a release date yet, but you can fol?low the devel?op?ment on the game?s web?site, the forums, or on a bevy of social net?work?ing sites. You know the drill. Or in this case, the HARPOON! (man, I really suck at?puns.)


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